Good evening my blog friends!!Today i'm very happy to show you a new lay out i made as a Creative Guest Designer in Words and Paintery about freedom.First of all i want to thank ladies there and especially Marie Johansson for the great honour and opportunity to be in this super talented team.Girls you're great!!
Then i want to tell you something about my lay out.When i'm tired or pissed off or ungry or or or.... I walk away and go to the sea(i'm lucky i live in the island of Crete in Greece where sea is very near he he he).That's my way to freedom.I bealive sea has a magical way to calm you and inspires you finding ways to solve problems or to be creative.After all sea was the way to find a New World...America !!My freedom is sea... When i'm deep in it, i feel like i'm totally alone and free, discovering a new world.The sound of the bottom of the sea in my ears, make me understand my inner soul.When i walk by the sea in the freeze water, my mind gets free and my body is refreshed.
Look at the wonderfull colour palette now....Isn't that great?My favourite colours!!!

The papers as you probably have understand are 7Dots and the mists are Lindy's Stamp Gang. Gesso, primer and gel medium are 13 Arts which are my favourites and i love them.Some of my flowers are prima and were a gift from Keren Tamir .Thank you sweety again!!!
And with this lay out , i want to celebrate my Guest, entering Scrap Around the World challenge with this wonderful moodboard.

And with this lay out , i want to celebrate my Guest, entering Scrap Around the World challenge with this wonderful moodboard.

I was inspired by the colours, the flowers, the sea behind the ice cream and the female element.Also the cone of ice cream and the heels looks like my star fish's surface and stencil's prints .The top of the glass inpired me to use microbeans and elements with strass.
For this lay out i used some Lindy's Stamp Gang sprays such as Pop Rock Purple, Cafe au Lait and medieval-gold. They have a wonderfull moodboard and colour combo too , that i couldn't resist playing...
Finally i loved that new challenge in C'est magnifique kit challenge with this awesome sketch which i turned like a mirror for my lay out. Where the bridge is, i took my boat in the photo.

Thank you for your time and hope you enjoy it!!Kisses........
Last but not least, check this out....

The new sketch in Sketchabilities....Mmmmmmmm interesting isn't it?